FFAC Recap - Week 2: Robbery

As the late Juice WRLD said, “and now I’m digging up a grave”. At least, that’s how Week 2 has left a few of us feeling about our fantasy season.

My apologies in advance, but this will be a short recap. Ran away from the city to the middle of nowhere for the week, but I figured a quick recap can still happen. However, as I went to look at my lineup one more time before TNF, I noticed that every single one of my WRs are listed as either Questionable, or straight up Out. Plus, I couldn’t just accept the libel being written about me not wanting to put content out because I lost. COME AT ME AGAIN, RYAN.


Obviously, injury hell happened Week 2 and based on initial reports for TNF, it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. The crazy part, though, is that overall everyone had better weeks, and avg score was a whole 10 points higher than week 1, how bout that?

So, a couple major takeaways is, there really weren’t any particularly close matches this week as the closest one was Adam over Shelby, an 18.82 win for Adam. Big weeks for Ben, Ryan, Jay, & Stefan as they all put up at least 135 points in their victories. And of course, I have to call out Stefan for possibly his greatest week in this league, ever. A 71.38 massacre of Fireball, on top of scoring the most points this season with 165.7 (I think will stand for the remainder). Good job. Let’s see if you can keep that up, you shit talker.

Another interesting thing to note, 2 weeks in, MJ is actually top 6 (#5 to be exact) in scoring, yet sits 0-2. Cody & Adam, on the flip side, are 2-0 despite not being in the top 6 in points. Of course, it IS only week 2, but a fascinating stat nonetheless. That’s why I believe MJ has the best chance of the 4 0-2 teams of bouncing back. (Let’s not kick the injured horse on Kelly or Fireball for now).

Still, handy victories for Ryan, Jay, Ben, Stefan, Cody, & Adam, as the league is split 3 ways with 4 2-0 teams, 4 1-1 teams, 4 0-2 teams.


Avg Margin: 33.34
Biggest Blowout: 71.38 (Stefan)
Closest Match: 18.82 (Adam)
High Score: 165.7 (Stefan)
Low Score: 90 (Kelly, 2x)
Avg Score: 119.53
Best Player: 43.6 (Stefan, Aaron Jones)

Week 3 Preview

The lines are pretty large this week, which makes sense considering the lack of healthy on half the league’s rosters. This is potentially when we start seeing top half break away, but anything can still happen. Really, Jay & Ben are currently the teams to watch as they’re both at 260+ points and have double digit point leads over #3.

Cody (-13) v MJ
Zach (-20) v Fireball
Ryan (-10) v Kelly
Stefan (-0.1) v Shelby - wow
Ben (+0.5) v Adam - another wow
Danny (+13) v Jay

Stefan v Shelby (fun slack banter, should be) and Ben v Adam are our matches of the week, those lines are minuscule. However, I think Ben is being low-balled by Yahoo a bit, but Stefan v Shelby seems right. Ben remains undefeated and Shelby gets a win as Stefan comes back to earth. I also think my team is being low balled a bit considering I’m 4th in points, but Jay’s team is too stacked. Jay gets the dub this week. MJ also secures a win, and unfortunately for them, Kelly & Fireball drop to 0-3.

- Danny “Totally forgot to sign off last week” aka “I’m different” M


FFAC Recap - Week 4: But Why


FFAC Recap - Week 1: Missed Connections