FFAC Recap - Week 1: Missed Connections

It’s a lonely Sunday morning mid pandemic, and points just want to get into a starting lineup. The missed opportunity of what could have been, starter love in the way of points.

Season has kicked off with a bang, and as unfortunately expected, brought a bit of pain with it from the get go. We’ll get to that, as for now, let’s bask in the glory that is (mostly) fan-less football. Naturally, there were some surprised in both real football and in our lovely little game we call fantasy (it’s real to me, dammit), but as is the case every year, only time will tell which are outliers and which are the real deal. How many times can I say real in one sentence, you ask? We’ll find out real quick on the real fantasy owners of real football. Nevertheless, it was a fun Sunday to talk shit with you all, let’s do it again all season. Also go check out this weeks podcast.


OK so, to address my opening paragraph this season, 6 teams, half of you, had at least FIFTY points on your benches Week 1. That’s insane. Now, Fireball did pick up some players after the fact/mid Sunday that he didn’t have available in time so the result would have remained, but it’s particularly tough for Kelly and Shelby, both of whom lost by less than 50 (and not just in QB points, either). So let’s start there. Jay beat KO by 40.7 points (still not the biggest blowout of the week), and it was quite painful to see Kelly react in real time to all the points being put up on her bench. It happens to everyone during the early games, someone you sat scores a TD but the scare usually ends there. Not for Kelly, to Jay’s delight. As they say, it do be like that. I think Kelly bounces back but not a great return to our once league Champion.

As for Shelby, it was just one of those weeks, honestly think she made the right decisions with her starters, unfortunately Robinson and Allen just put up some duds, and Goedert stole some of usually very reliable Ertz’ points. Tough 30.72 loss to defending Champion Ben, but I think my preseason Champ pick bounces back this week.

Man oh man, Stefan. Where do I even begin? Do I even need to begin? The pain continues, as even though you didn’t score the fewest points, 87.72 is not exactly great. Pair that with our week high scorer in Zach at 132.84, recipe for disaster as Stefan gets handed the blowout of the week by 45.12. For the double whammy, Stefan was not one of the 6 teams with 50 points on their bench. He had 30. Which still wouldn’t have been enough. Wanna give me a hard time on my team, still?

Speaking of my team, I just barely eeked out a win over MJ, with the closest line at 1.64. Tough match as we were the 2 and 3 high scores this week. It happens. MJ’s team is still very solid, and of course as your commissioner I am obligated to say: Hey Stefan, Josh Allen put up 28 points.

Adam beat Fireball, as once again Fireball continues his year over year Week 1 no kicker/pick up all FAs after a loss is secured strategy. Might have to look into position roster limits at some point…Still, only scoring 83.78 in a league where points for help playoffs, that might be punishment enough.

Cody and Ryan are the only other matchup that wasn’t a blowout. Cody beat Ryan by 8 points, but at the same time, Ryan woulnd’t have beat any of the other winning teams with his 104.7 points. Similarly, Cody only would have beat Adam on the winning team side, as he snuck in at the 6th highest score of the week.

So, let’s try not to leave so many points on the bench this time, eh?


Avg Margin: 25.7
Biggest Blowout: 45.12 (Zach)
Closest Match: 1.64 (Danny)
High Score: 132.84 (Zach)
Lowest Score: 76.3 (Kelly)
Avg Score: 109.1
Best Player: 34.6 (Zach, Devante Adams)

Week 2 Preview

We’re only about 4 hours away from Bengals v Browns, so I’m a little late on the recap but it’s here. Lot of 1-0 vs 0-1 matchups as is typical of Week 2, but the one I’m looking out for the most is Stefan v Fireball, because one of them is guaranteed to go 0-2 (barring a miracle that is a tie in a partial tenth point league), which isn’t quite a death sentence, but it becomes a hell of a hole to try to climb out of. Alas, it’s very early, we shall see.

Quick note - I’m planning something fun for the end of season League Pick ‘Em winner, so make sure you go and get your picks in!

MJ (-9) v Jay
Zach (-3) v Ben
Stefan (-7.5) v Fireball
Cody (-7.5) v Kelly
Shelby (+8) v Adam
Danny (+2) v Ryan

I’m rolling with MJ, Zach, Stefan, Kelly, Shelby, & myself (duh). Waivers are on the move, let’s see who pulls the trigger first on a trade this week. Good luck! Also here’s my current favorite TikTok.


FFAC Recap - Week 2: Robbery


FFAC Precap: 2020 Edition