FFAC Recap: Week 13 - The Rains of Castamere

Late or not, it’s here. There are 3 playoff spots up for grabs with 6 teams having a path to one of them. The only teams out for sure are Alex, Cody, & Mike. Alex on record (by 1 game), Cody & Mike are out on head to head vs remaining teams (no scenarios exist where they win any combination of a tiebreaker).

Jason has locked that #1 seed but we knew that. Stefan & Ben are still vying for that first round bye.

For everyone else? It’ll be a blood bath. No recap or percentages today, just pure scenarios because this is making my head hurt.

Playoff Scenarios

This is literally the most competitive season and intense final week of the regular season in FFAC history. Even Mike & Ryan (5-8) have an insane path to make it in. A reminder, Yahoo regular season standings don’t reflect playoff tiebreaker, just points for. So let’s get to it:

Jay - win & you’re in. A loss means Danny OR Adam OR Spencer also need to lose AND hold on to points for.

Spencer - win & you’re in. Same deal as Jay except you own a tie breaker in head to head over Danny.

Adam - win & a Danny OR Spencer OR Jay loss. The reason Adam is not win and in is head to head. 0-1 against Danny, 0-1 against Jay, 1-1 against Spencer. A loss means you need all 3 of those teams to lose AND hold on to a points for lead over Spencer.

Danny - win & an Adam OR Spencer OR Jay loss. Danny loses tiebreakers to Spencer but holds head to head over Adam, and division tiebreaker to Jay.

  • In the event of a 4 way tie - Jay, Spencer, & Danny are in. Adam loses on head to head & division record.

Zach & Ryan need big wins and major help in the other matchups.

Ryan - win AND a loss to Jay. This is the only path for Ryan because he faces Danny & owns a head to head tiebreaker over Jay (2-0) BUT loses one to Adam (0-1).

Zach - win AND loses to Spencer & Adam & Danny AND score enough points to stay ahead of all 3 (Zach currently owns this but playoff tiebreakers holding him behind Danny AND Ryan).

There are technically more scenarios based on how things shake out but this was the simplest way to view from each teams perspective. As things play out I will update slack throughout the day so stay ready into Monday Night Football.

No Preview

Free for all. Godspeed.

-Danny “AKA Where’s the recap AKA Quick Maths AKA Who’s Robb Stoark” M


FFAC Precap: ‘23 & Me


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