FFAC Recap - Week 3: What Are Points?

Did I miss week 2 recap? Yes. I’m back on my bull. But HERE WE ARE NOW, and you know what they say - the past is in the pass. (Not a typo, I said what I said).

Holy bench points, Batman, our story of the week are all those precious fantasy points left on basically everyone’s benches. That led to a down week in points across the board coupled with injuries galore, but for the most part, it was just a wacky week.


The rookies got their first wins! Mike and Alex bounced back in solid form, and the best part is that it wasn’t thanks to injuries really, just straight up better performances than their opponents. Hell, they both even scored higher than the weekly point average (which was ABYSMAL). So let’s switch it up and start there.

Alex took down Ryan in a close match, as the Philly combo of Hurts and Brown wasn’t enough for Ryan, having 6(!) players score in single digits. CeeDee tried making it close on Monday Night, but not quite enough. Alex, in turn, had his most balanced week of his short FFAC career, no one put up staggering numbers, but solid fantasy performances from the vast majority of his team. Our 2020 Champ is now entering back to back seasons in the gutter, sitting at 0-3. There’s time to turn it around, but he can’t dig himself into a hole for much longer.

Speaking of time to turn it around, Mike actually put up the week high in points as he squeaks by Zach 116-114. It’s our lowest week high of the young season which, again, reflects the down scoring week in fantasy. But as the great Dom Torreto once said, “winning’s winning.” Much like the Alex v Ryan match, however, the 55 bench points each wouldn’t have really made a difference in this one, but at least Henry returned to form for Mike. We’ll see if DeVonta Smith keeps up that type of production in Philly, lots of mouths to feed, but staving off 0-3 was clutch. Both Zach and Mike are 1-2.

As for the blowout of the week, Spencer is on the verge of nuking his whole team and just dropping everyone (don’t do that), as he falls 115-81 to Adam. What’s crazy, though, is 81 points would have been enough to beat yours truly AND Cody. Tough break, but such is fantasy football life. Adams team, on the other hand, despite being 2-1, is looking solid, sitting 3rd in points for so far. And similar to Mike, it’s possible Barkley is back making that a huge value pick if he can stay healthy.

And then America’s Game of Week 3 of the undefeated Fireball v Stefan ended in Jason’s victory as Lamar Jackson’s individual week high of 40 points was too much. The rest of Fireball’s team was just ok, but a lot of duds for Stefan coupled with that Jackson performance was more than enough. Stefan takes his first L and Fireball continues his hot streak as one of 2 remaining undefeated teams.

Then our last 2 pretty sad matches of the week. Jay beats Cody handily 92-59, but wow that’s a low score. And it’s not even the lowest one of the week! Tough break for Cody as multiple injuries really screwed him but there was really not much he could have done. Jay’s team was exactly middling performance wise, but just go click that link above again for my stance. Both teams are 2-1.

Lastly, a sad match of Ben v myself. 86-57 win for Ben, but that combined score is basically as many points as Fireball put up in week 2. Yikes. Ya boi isn’t panicking yet but good lord are the injuries for me brutal to start this season. 104(!) points left on the bench as a result of that, but don’t make me point at the sign again (the link). Ben takes his team to 3-0 while I fall to 1-2.


Avg Margin: 19.48
Biggest Blowout: 33.58 (Adam)
Closest Match: 1.88 (Mike)
High Score: 116.08 (Mike)
Low Score: 57.14 (Danny)
Avg Score: 94.62
Best Player: 40.42 (Jackson, Fireball)

Week 4 Preview

This is a tough week on the spreads because points are all over the place. You’ll either score 120+ or sub 100 this week I think, but who knows.

Ryan (-6) v Spencer
Fireball (+2) v Jay
Mike (-1) v Cody
Zach (-18) v Alex
Adam (-7) v Ben
Danny (+12) v Stefan

America’s Game of the Week is Ryan v Spencer. 0-3 vs 0-3. Who will implode? Is a tie possible? I’m sort of rooting for that. Do it for the memes.

I’m going with Ryan, Jay, Mike, Zach, Adam, and MYSELF. Upset time. No more undefeated teams. Chaos reigns.

Danny “AKA Always On Time AKA Never Late AKA What’s a Podcast AKA New York Best Seller” M


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