FFAC Recap - Week 2: No Panic


Yes, I did just reuse titles (this week’s pod is titled the same). No I do not feel bad about it, because it makes sense. It’s also a bit tongue in cheek because after this week there absolutely will/should be a couple of you in panic mode.

But first, we interrupt this regularly scheduled football show that is barely (not at all) a show to announce that THE WHITE SOX ARE 2021 AL CENTRAL CHAMPIONS BAYBE THESE COLORS DON’T RUN BAYBEE. Sorry not sorry, your commissioner loves the White Sox and it’s the first division title since 2008 and first back to back playoff berth in franchise history so I’m a little excited. Ah, that felt good. Ok, I’m ready to move on.

No, I did not totally miss the Week 1 recap and podcast last week, you’re making things up. Did I do a gaslight correctly? I messed up, I’m sorry, but here we are and it’s panic no panic season. 2 weeks in, folks, no reason to freak out. Or do, it’s your life.


Let’s see, Jameis Winston went back to being Jameis Winston, Kyler Murray continues to light it up, and Alvin Kamara is not playing like Alvin Kamara. But you can mostly blame that on Winston. Maybe? Either way, there were some bounce back performances individually and at the team level, as well as some duds after a good first week. Although I’m pretty sure it’s not time to panic yet. How many times can I say panic in one week? First person to guess right wins a prize!

Spencer ran into an unfortunate matchup against Stefan in week 1, then put up one of those mentioned duds in week 2. Shelby didn’t exactly light it up, but it was enough for a 20 point win over Spencer. 0-2 is not a great start, and is currently being victimized by Alvin Kamara’s less than stellar start. But it’s not like his RB2 is putting up points either, so he better hope that receiving corps turns it around for him or it’ll be panic time real fast. As for Shelby, she’s one of 4 2-0 teams, but take that one with a grain of salt as she is currently the lowest scoring team in the league. Hey, sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good, and has a strong week 3 projection.

Fireball bounced back from a week 1 loss to blowout Zach by 51 points, whom on the other hand, dropped a turd with 78 points after putting up 120 in week 1. I’m telling y’all, it’s been up and down for a lot of us. “Us” is used loosely, some of us are doing great. Still, I believe Jason’s team will be ok, and Zach on the other hand, will be attempting the 2019 Danny Special, putting the entire team on the back of Christian McCaffrey.

As for the existing Champ? Ryan drops to 0-2 as well despite a much better scoring output from week 1. Stefan had too much going for him, as in turn he is another 2-0 team. I mean come on, for a second there it was the “will Henry hit 50 points” watch. Super Bowl hangover for the champ? He’s not panicking yet, but that tune may change if he drops to 0-3. I suppose taking advantage of those 2 IR spots I forgot to change back to 1 isn’t actually helping much so far for all the kicking and screaming he did ;).

Ben rounds out the final 2-0 team as he beats Cody pretty handily 125-105. He’s riding red hot starts from Kyler Murray and Tyloer Lockett so far, though. That’s not to say that the rest of us aren’t riding hot hands either, but he’s on back to back weeks of multiple starting players under 10 points, some even under 5. If some of them come around, however, look out, Ben is gunning for a 3rd straight title appearance. Cody is holding pretty steady as of this moment and that’s likely the right attitude for that team, no major star power, but no major holes in that lineup either.

And finally, MJ eeks one out over Adam, whom just completed the first trade of the season, by the way. Adam drops to 0-2, and like Cody, I can’t quite get a read on MJ’s team just yet. He and Cody both only have a single waiver move so far, the lowest in the league, which I don’t necessarily disagree with, but I doubt that can continue all the way through. What team has one a championship without taking some risks?

All that said, we’re only headed into week 3, but I do think this is where we start seeing some major changes.


Avg Margin: 21.93
Biggest Blowout: 51.94 (Fireball)
Closest Match: 7.02(MJ)
High Score: 142.66 (Danny)
Low Score: 78.18 (Zach)
Avg Score: 113.34
Best Player: 44.7 (Stefan, Derrick Henry)


Yes, Thursday Night Football has already kicked off, but it’s early enough still that it won’t impact my choices here. A bit of a critical junction here just for being Week 3, but we could come out on the other side of this with 3 0-3 teams. We’re guaranteed at least 1, however, because Spencer and Jay are facing each other. Adam and Ryan are the other 2 at risk here, and I’m going to say it, the champ is going to start 0-3.

MJ (-.5) v Fireball
Zach (+6.2) v Ben
Adam (+.5) v Cody
Ryan (+12) v Shelby
Jay (-.7) v Spencer
Danny (-11.5) v Stefan

America’s Game of the Week is that 2-0 v 2-0 match of Danny v Stefan. I’m taking me, duh. No offense, Stefan, we can argue about it on the pod next week.

I’m rolling with Fireball, Ben, Adam, Shelby, & Jay the rest of the way.

I leave you with this meme of the week.


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